Short Motivational Story with Moral About A Beggar King

short motivational story with moral, motivational stories

Short Motivational Story with Moral

This is a short motivational story with moral of a beggar who was then made a king when he entered a town. Why he was made a king and what he did when the army of neighbor country attacked? 

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short inspirational stories with moral
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The Beggar King

It is said that the king of a town died sadly, perhaps childless!! Otherwise, which king would have died so easily, often killed by his own children! It is said that on the death of the king, Minister issued a unique "selection method" that the first person to knock on the door of the town three days later would be our next king. So as a result of this "selection", the first person who came to the door three days later was a beggar wearing torn old clothes, a hat with a sackcloth on his head and a noose around his neck. So the king was this town was a professional beggar.

After knocking on the door, the beggar who became king was read out the coronation by the ministers and advisers. After that, the old sack cloths were replaced by lavish dresses, the rags were removed from the hats and the socks were replaced with royal socks. And the Begging bowl? How could a begging bowl hang around the king's neck? So the gold and silver double and true pearl necklace took the place of bowl. Thus the days and nights of the "beggar king" began to pass in peace and tranquility, but where in the world is the peace that is found in the grave. So someone informed the king of the neighboring country that the powerful king had been passed away and now he has been replaced by a person who does not have as much experience in governing affairs as begging. When the King heard this, he was very amused and said that he had been dreaming of occupying this town for a long time. Which could not be interpreted because of the power and wisdom of the previous kings. But it seems that this time nature wants us to expand our country. So, O leaders of my army! Prepare for attack and occupation.

When the village informants received this terrible news from the powerful country, they rushed to the court where the beggar king “Badshah Salamat” was present among the grape-eaters and the singers. The informant requested an evacuation, which the King rejected, and ordered a general "informant." The informant said in fear: Let me tell you that the kings of the neighboring country are preparing their forces for the attack. On hearing this, King paused for a moment and then said: "Let's do nothing, don't worry." The court was very satisfied with this sentence. Two days passed and the enemy’s army reached the borders of the beggar king's town. The informant and the guards standing on the walls also saw the movement of the great army of enemy. They all started running towards the court, where the king was taking a nap after the big lunch. The maids woke up and told that enemy has reached the borders. The king got up in a hurry, heard the news of the movement of enemy forces and said, "Okay, got it, let's do something."

The people had just breathed a sigh of relief when artillery shells were fired at the gate of palace and the guards of the town were shot by the enemy's flying arrows. The people, who were waiting for the King's statement and the implementation of the war tactics, became terrified. Leaving their homes, shops, fields and orchards, they fled towards the palace and on the other hand the army of the enemy country also turned towards the palace. Anyone who tried to stop this movement along the way had to face death and destruction. When the situation reached the emperor through the army chief of the town and the ministers and advisers in charge of the affairs of the state, he realized that water was now so high above his head that to stay in it for too long would be death. On one hand, the angry slogans of the people were shaking the doors and walls of the palace, on the other hand, the cannons of the enemy were shaking the earth. In such a situation, the "beggar king" announced in a packed court, "I have made a decision. The king ran towards his dormitory and a few moments later a beggar appeared from the dormitory with torn old clothes, broken shoes and a bowl around his neck. He cleared his throat and said, "Brothers, I am not able for this government, but if you ever need a beggar, you must remember me. Thank you for your favors! I have nothing to do with this country. I am wearing the same as I came wearing bowl and clothes. Goodbye

Motivational Story in Hindi

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Short Motivational Story in Hindi

Kahate hain kisee kasbe ka raaja duhkhee hokar mar gaya, shaayad nihsantaan!! nahin to kaun sa raaja itanee aasaanee se mar jaata, aksar apane hee bachchon dvaara maar daala jaata. nahin! aisa kaha jaata hai ki raaja kee mrtyu par mantree batadaabeer ne ek anoothee "chayan kee vidhi" jaaree kee ki aaj se teen din pahale bastee ke daravaaje par dastak dene vaala pahala vyakti hamaara agala raaja hoga. To is "chayan" ke parinaamasvaroop, teen din baad saamane ke daravaaje par chillaane vaala pahala vyakti phate puraane kapade pahane hue tha, sir par taat ke saath ek topee aur usake gale mein ek phanda tha. raaja likha gaya tha aur vah ek peshevar bhikhaaree nikala.

daravaaza khatakhataane ke baad raaja bane bhikhaaree ko mantriyon aur salaahakaaron ne raajyaabhishek padhakar sunaaya. usake baad, puraane taat ke kapade ko bhavy kapade se badal diya gaya, topiyon se latta hata diya gaya aur moze ko shaahee moje se badal diya gaya. aur kashkool ?? raaja ke gale mein phanda kaise latak sakata hai? To sone aur chaandee ke dabal aur sachche motee ke haar ne kashakool kee jagah le lee. Is prakaar "bhikhaaree raaja" ke din aur raat shaanti aur shaanti se gujarane lage, lekin duniya mein vah shaanti kahaan hai jo kabr mein milatee hai. To kisee ne padosee desh ke raaja ko soochit kiya ki samaanon ke shaktishaalee raaja ko ukhaad phenka gaya hai aur ab unakee jagah ek aise vyakti ne le lee hai, jise bheekh maangane ke maamale mein shaasan karane ka utana anubhav nahin hai. Jab zaal-e-ilaahee ne yah suna, to vah bahut khush hua aur kaha ki vah lambe samay se is shahar par kabja karane ka sapana dekh raha tha. jisakee vyaakhya poorv raajaon kee shakti aur buddhi ke kaaran nahin kee ja sakatee thee. lekin is baar aisa lagata hai ki prakrti chaahatee hai ki ham apane desh ka vistaar karen. To, he meree sena ke netaon! hamale aur kabje ke lie taiyaar karen.

Jab gaanv ke mukhabiron ko shaktishaalee desh se yah bhayaanak khabar milee, to ve darabaar mein pahunche jahaan angoor khaane vaalon aur gaayakon ke beech poorv bhikhaaree urph baadashaah salaamat maujood tha. mukhabir ne nikaasee ka anurodh kiya, jise sharan chaahane vaale ne asveekaar kar diya, aur ek saamaany "mukhabir" ka aadesh diya. mukhabir ne darate hue kaha: "aap par shaanti ho, main aapase vinatee karata hoon ki padosee desh ke raaja apanee sena ko hamale ke lie taiyaar kar rahe hain." Yah sunakar raaja salaamat ek pal ke lie ruke aur phir kaha: "chalo kuchh nahin, ghabarao mat." adaalat is saja se behad santusht thee. Do din beet gae aur dushman sena budhavaar ko desh kee seemaon se pare bhikhaaree raaja kee bastee kee seema par pahunch gaee. mukhabir, mukhabir, deevaaron par khade paharedaaron ne bhee dushman kee mahaan sena kee unnati ko dekha aur sabhee darabaar kee or bhaagane lage, jahaan raaja dopahar ke bhojan ke baad jhapakee le rahe the. "phalon ke motee" ko peet-peetakar utheen naukaraaniyaan ki sansaar hai sharanasthal! bhagavaan kee sharan, bas baahar kee khabar le lo, dushman seema par pahunch gaya hai. raaja jaldee se utha, shatru sena ke aage badhane ka samaachaar suna aur kaha, "theek hai, samajh gaya, kuchh karate hain."

Logon ne kabr ke baahar raahat kee saans lee thee jab raashtrapati ke dvaar par topakhaane ke gole daage gae aur shahar ke rakshakon ko dushman ke udate hue teeron se golee maar dee gaee. raaja kee neeti ke bayaan aur yuddh kee rananeeti ke kaaryaanvayan kee prateeksha kar rahe log bhayabheet ho gae. ve apane gharon, dukaanon, kheton aur baagon ko chhodakar mahal kee or bhaage aur doosaree or shatru desh kee sena bhee mahal kee or mudee. jis kisee ne bhee is pragati ko raaste mein rokane kee koshish kee use mrtyu aur vinaash ka saamana karana pada. Jab sthiti chhaavanee ke sena pramukh aur raajy ke maamalon ke prabhaaree mantriyon aur salaahakaaron ke maadhyam se samraat tak pahunchee, to unhonne mahasoos kiya ki paanee ab unake sir ke oopar itana ooncha hai ki isamen bahut adhik samay tak rahana maut hogee. aamantrit karane ke lie ek taraph logon ke gusse vaale naare mahal ke daravaaje aur deevaaron ko hila rahe the to doosaree taraph dushman kee topen dharatee ko hila rahee theen. Aise mein khachaakhach bhare darabaar mein "bhikhaaree raaja" ne ghoshana kee, "mainne phaisala kar liya hai." kya aap dekhate hain ki aalam panaah apane shayanagrh kee or bhaage aur kuchh hee kshan baad shayanagrh se divy chhaaya ke sthaan par phate puraane kapade, toote joote aur gale mein ek jhompadee ke saath ek bhikhaaree dikhaee diya. unhonne apana gala saaph kiya aur kaha, "bhaiyon, yah sarakaar, aadi sirph mere lie nahin hai. haan, agar aapako kabhee bheekh maangana hai, to aapako khaakasar ko yaad karana chaahie. aapake ehasaan ke lie dhanyavaad! mujhe kuchh nahin karana hai is desh ke saath main vahee pahan raha hoon jo main kashkool aur tot pahanakar aaya tha, ab tum jaano aur tumhaaree bastee ......... abad raho aur shad raho !!!

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Short Motivational Story with Moral About A Beggar King Short Motivational Story with Moral About A Beggar King Reviewed by Make One Smile on 8/22/2021 Rating: 5

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