Motivational Story in Urdu Hindi About Prison Inmate in Jail Lockup


Motivational story in Urdu text

Motivational Story in Urdu Text

This motivational story in Urdu unveils the profound wisdom of a prison inmate, Schmidt, held in a German jail. Unlike his fellow inmates, who endured constant cruelty, Schmidt received unusual respect from the prison guards. This sparked suspicion among the other prisoners, who believed he was secretly aiding the jailers.

However, Schmidt eventually disclosed his secret: while others wrote weekly letters filled with anger and hatred towards their overseers, he chose to end his own letters with praise for certain guards. His words, often mentioning specific guards by name, subtly influenced their perception of him.

Intrigued, Schmidt’s fellow inmates followed his suggestion to alter the tone of their letters, hoping for similar treatment. However, when they exaggerated and revealed Schmidt's guidance, their plan backfired, leading to harsher treatment.

This unique motivational story in Urdu text underscores the power of perception and the unexpected influence of words, even in the confines of jail. It reveals how a shift in narrative can affect relationships and underscores the need to be mindful of actions and intentions. For anyone searching for motivational stories in Urdu, this tale offers both intrigue and a valuable lesson about human nature within restrictive circumstances.

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Prison Inmate in Jail Lockup

In a bygone era, deep within the oppressive confines of a German prison, harsh and relentless treatment of prisoners was the norm. Among these inmates was a man named Schmidt, condemned to a lengthy imprisonment, yet he seemed to live under a different set of rules. Unlike his fellow prisoners, who faced cruelty daily, Schmidt experienced gentler, almost respectful treatment from the guards. This disparity baffled the others, leading them to harbor suspicions.

Rumors began to circulate within the cell blocks; many inmates suspected Schmidt was colluding with the jailers, perhaps even acting as an informant. Some believed he was betraying their words, sharing information with the authorities in exchange for leniency. Yet, Schmidt denied these accusations, swearing that he was nothing more than an ordinary prisoner, just like them. Despite his protests, the prisoners were unconvinced, challenging him to explain why he received favorable treatment.

With no alternative, Schmidt decided to reveal his secret. He called his fellow prisoners together and asked, "What do you include in your weekly letters?" The others responded, explaining that they wrote about the guards’ harshness, expressing their anger and the oppression they endured.

Schmidt responded with a knowing smile. "In contrast," he explained, "in the final line of each of my letters to my wife, I mention the kindness of the overseers. I even go so far as to praise certain guards by name."

The revelation astounded the prisoners, leaving them in disbelief. One, infuriated, retorted, "How can that be? You know well how these supervisors treat us with cruelty. What does your flattery gain you?"

Schmidt replied with a quiet wisdom, "Ah, my friends, our letters do not leave this prison until the guards have read them. They know every word we write. They’re well aware of the resentment in your letters."

He suggested that they alter their approach, encouraging them to modify the tone of their letters, just to see the outcome. Intrigued, the prisoners heeded his advice.

To their amazement, the following week brought a dramatic shift. The guards' attitude grew noticeably colder, harsher, not just towards Schmidt but to all of them. Realizing the unexpected effect of their altered letters, Schmidt reconvened the group to uncover what they had written.

"We revealed that Schmidt had shown us a method to deceive the overseers, praising them falsely in our letters to curry favor," they confessed.

Through this lesson, the prisoners came to understand the subtleties of influence within even the most confining of environments.

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एक कैदी की कहानी

एक समय की बात है, जर्मन जेल में कैदियों के साथ बहुत कठोर व्यवहार किया जाता था। उसी जेल में श्मिट नाम का एक कैदी था और उसे बहुत लंबे समय तक कारावास की सजा सुनाई गई थी। इस कैदी के साथ जेल परिवारों का मामला अलग था, वे उसके साथ नम्रता और सम्मान से पेश आते थे। बाकी कैदी बहुत हैरान हुए.

यहां तक कि सभी ने यह मान लिया कि श्मिट जेलरों का एजेंट था और वह हमारी बातें उन तक पहुंचा रहा था। इसीलिए पर्यवेक्षक उसके साथ बुरा व्यवहार नहीं करते। दूसरी ओर, श्मिट हमेशा उनसे कसम खाता था कि वह भी उन्हीं की तरह एक कैदी था और उसका जेल प्रहरियों से कोई लेना-देना नहीं था। परन्तु बाकी कैदियों ने उसकी बात झूठी समझी और कहा कि यदि तुम जासूस नहीं हो तो हमें कारण बताओ कि पहरेदार तुम्हारा आदर क्यों करते हैं और तुम्हारे साथ अच्छा व्यवहार क्यों करते हैं।

श्मिट के पास उन्हें सच बताने के अलावा कोई विकल्प नहीं था, उन्होंने सभी कैदियों को इकट्ठा किया और उनसे पूछा, आप लोग अपने साप्ताहिक पत्रों में क्या लिखते हैं? सभी ने कहा, हम इन पर्यवेक्षकों की कठोरता, उनके प्रति अपनी नफरत और इन अक्षम पर्यवेक्षकों द्वारा हम पर की गई क्रूरता को लिखते हैं। श्मिट ने मुस्कुराते हुए कहा, "लेकिन अपनी पत्नी को लिखे अपने साप्ताहिक पत्रों की आखिरी पंक्ति में, मैं ओवरसियरों के अच्छे व्यवहार के बारे में लिखता हूं, यहां तक कि कुछ ओवरसियरों के नाम लिखकर उनकी प्रशंसा भी करता हूं।"

श्मिट ने जो कहा उससे कैदी बहुत आश्चर्यचकित हुए। उनमें से एक ने बड़े गुस्से से कहा! इन सबका आपके प्रति अच्छा व्यवहार करने से क्या लेना-देना है? यद्यपि आप पर्यवेक्षकों की क्रूरता से परिचित हैं।

शमीदत ने कहाः हे बुद्धिमान! हमारे ख़त जेल से बाहर नहीं जाते जब तक पहरेदार उन्हें पढ़ नहीं लेते, उन्हें हमारी लिखी छोटी-छोटी बातों का भी पता होता है, उन्हें आपकी नफ़रत का भी पता होता है।

अब आप लोग अपने पत्र लिखने का तरीका बदलें और देखें क्या होता है? अगले सप्ताह से, कैदी यह देखकर हैरान रह गए कि गार्डों द्वारा श्मिट सहित सभी कैदियों के साथ व्यवहार बहुत बुरा हो गया था। शमीदत को बहुत आश्चर्य हुआ और उसने सब कैदियों को इकट्ठा करके पूछा कि तुमने अपने पत्रों में क्या लिखा है।

सभी ने कहा: हमने लिखा है कि श्मिट ने हमें पर्यवेक्षकों को धोखा देने और उनका विश्वास और अनुमोदन प्राप्त करने के लिए अपने साप्ताहिक पत्रों में उनकी झूठी प्रशंसा करने का एक नया तरीका बताया था।

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